「学術雑誌」というのは、基本的には、広告の無い、最低二人の審査員によって評価された記事が集められている雑誌です。Academic Journal と呼ばれ、その中でも調査研究した内容をまとめたものを、Scholary Journal と呼びます。
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Reading の練習にちょうどいいかな?
Visual communications - the Japanese experience
Visual communications are defined and illustrated in their contemporary operations management setting. They manifest four distinct advantages: assimilation, exprosure, evoking and unifying. In Japan, they are related to underlying inferent values and ensure employee involvement. The Japanese experience itself, with its consequent relative success in the field of visual communications, is both investigated and analysed as to type, functions and associated purposes. Visual communications are perceived as galcanising into company plans. Their potential and transferbility to Western corporate cultures are explored with a view to their power to deliver information through the hierarchical organisational structure, The underlying thrust is towards achieving continuous improvement in communication, the impact of which would provide a better quality of work life for the employee and improve performance. (123 words)
Reference: Mestre, M., Stainer, A., Stainer, L. & Storm, B. (1999). Visual communicaitons - the Japanese experience. Corporate Communications, 5 (1), pp. 34-41.
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